Congratulations on the questionable achievement of uncovering this spec of the internet.
Why does this site exist? For one I would like to save some snapshots of my current state of mind, not unlike the purpose of a diary. Secondly, since I like browsing personal websites of other people, I thought I would contribute my own.
If anything here peaks your interest or if you just want to say hi, you are welcome to contact me.
Dancis is me. He is from Sweden, born in 2000. He like computers and computer simulations. And cats. And snow. I guess the fact that this page exists tells you most of what you need to know about him.
This site mainly exists so that I have somewhere to post written texts.
Since I happen to like Swedish, most stuff here is written in it. Slightly curated machine translations are provided [in square brackets] for those unable to appreciate(?) the original language.