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I very rarely listen to music. It's just not part of my routine. Therefore, I am not really in position to comment on this subject at all, but out of the music I still pick up, I have to say that many of them are songs that tends to stay with me comes from the hymnal.

I am not religious at all. I am more nihilist than Christian, but still in many hymns there is text and melody which I appreciate. Some examples follow: (Machine translations if not otherwise stated, sorry in advance...)

  • Blott en dag [Day by Day] (Translation by Andrew L. Skoog, the first two lines of the extract have different meaning in Swedish)
    The protection of His child and treasure
    Is a charge that on Himself He laid;
    "As thy days, thy strength shall be in measure,"
    This the pledge to me He made.
  • Var inte rädd [Don't Be Afraid]
    Don't be afraid, there is a hidden sign,
    a name that guards you as you walk your way.
    Your solitude turns shores toward the light.
    Don't be afraid, in the sand, trails portray.
  • En vänlig grönskas rika dräkt [A Friendly Green Does Richly Dress] (Translation of title from Wikipedia)
    All flesh is grass,
    the flowers pass
    and time all things will sever,
    the word of God stands forever.
  • Så går en dag än från vår tid [So Passes a Day Yet From Our Time]
    If quiet death comes me toward
    when for the night I lie,
    my solace is that yours, oh Lord,
    I live and too I die.

Part of my fondness for these and other hymns is surely due to nostalgia: Grandpa singing and playing the pedal organ until we fall asleep in bunk beds and sofas at their summer place. But the biggest factor I think is the strength of the sense of belonging and the timelessness which these songs convey, like if we formed a part of a line with previous and future generations: Despite not fully understanding the purpose of our existence, we still strive forward together, and when one can't make it any further, someone else takes over. Even though I don't actually believe in anything bigger, it still awakens feelings in me whenever I recall such lyrics and melodies.